One legal aid wanted to compare internal data about its domestic violence clients with external data about domestic violence victims in the state. It gathered information internally about DV clients, but the only external DV data available from the state courts did not include poverty information. Thus, those external data lacking poverty information could not be compared to the internal data, which is limited by levels of poverty. Still, trends in both sets of internal and external data could be considered together for deeper understanding about DV victims. |
One legal aid’s veteran field was a drop down question labeled “Veteran in Household?” with answer options of “Yes”, “No”, and “N/A”. The Veteran Status Census field refers only to an individual, not members of a household, making a comparison of internal and external data problematic. The legal aid is considering having two fields: one to capture client veteran status (for comparison to Census veteran data), and a separate field to capture the veteran status of household members. |