How many people does your organization help/serve?
What are the demographics of the people we help/serve?
How many people from your defined groups (e.g., vulnerable populations) are helped/served?
How many people with certain categories of legal problems does your organization help/serve?
What are the legal problems of the people your organization helps/serves?
How many of your clients are served by staff and how many by pro bono volunteers?
How many people is your organization unable to help (not served)?
How many people are helped/served per funding source?
Snapshot analyses measure counts or percentages for a given period, usually the most recently completed year. If any counts or percentages are unexpected, comparison, trend or spatial analyses may be necessary to better understand the reasons for the unexpected results.
What are the demographic characteristics (example: poverty levels and language) of the people who requested assistance and received it in the last 12 months? What about those who did not receive service?
Intake and Closed Case data from your case management system, including