How has the number of people helped/served changed?
How have the demographics of people helped/served changed?
How have the number of people helped/served from your defined groups changed?
How has the number of people helped/served with certain categories of legal problems changed?
How has the number of people helped/served with different legal problems changed?
How has the number of people helped/served by staff vs. pro bono volunteers changed?
How has the number of people not helped/not served changed?
How have the demographics of people not helped/not served changed?
Trend analyses scrutinize changes over time in client conditions. Review trends over a five-year period, or longer when possible. Spikes or dips that appear in trends might confirm what an organization expects or raise additional questions worthy of investigation to better understand the unexpected change and determine whether it calls for proactive steps.
How has the number of disabled people receiving assistance from our organization changed over time? And how does that trend compare to the trends in the number of eligible disabled people and intakes for disabled people?
Intake and Closed Case data from your case management system, including
U.S. Census American Community Survey data at the American Factfinder website (Advanced Search option)
Note: Those considered disabled from Pika data include those with Disabled or Severely Disabled fields checked, Income=Disability Financial Assistance or SSI (for client), Problem Code=74 (SSDI), 75 (SSI), 82 (Mental Health), or 84 (Physical disabled rights) or SP-Problem=77-5 (Veterans disability benefits).
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 ACS 1-year estimates; Tables S1701 & C18131; generated by Rachel Perry; using American FactFinder; (March 2014) & Legal Aid Pika data 2009-2012.